Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

tugas softskill1


Among all teh similar things, Facebook is good for keeping in touch with people you can't meet regularly. It help me to stay in touch with what's going on in my friends' lives, especially the ones who live far away. As for connecting with people that i meet regularly. Facebook is usefull for sharing the things that i come across on the internet, like news, video, website links or for sharing crappy funny stuff with my friends.
For me personally, I use facebook mainly for pictures. I think it's great way to see what's going on with our friends through pictures.
Regulation on this kind of networking is always problematic. As for age limit, i don't think it's sorely the problem of social networking sites. Kids can see some ridiculously violent stuff, porn, or whatever junk there is in the internet. However, i think there are a couple of other less formally enacted ( or even unwritten ) rules that people break. For example: i see Facebook as a way for me to connect with MY FRIENDS, not random people who added me on their facebook. It's so annoying that people just add other people that they vaguely know, or people to advertise some stuff.

tugas softskill 2

Active and Passive Sentences
1. active sentence is the sentence that the subject is doing a thing or activity.

2. Passive sentence are sentences which the subject is subjected to a thing or action, whether intentional or not.

Active sentences :
1. Sister read the book.
2. Tatang play ball.
3. Yuli bathing in the pool.
4. Henry has bought the picture book.
5. Toni Toni hit

Passive sentences :
Example :
1 Embers of the fire was trampled father.
2. Andi read novels in the room
3. The story I wrote on the front porch.
4. Books purchased by Mother.
5. Yudi fried rice made ​​by Anisa

tugas softskill 2


FRANKFURT, Germany (AFP) - Hamburg striker Paolo Guerrero has been banned for five matches for throwing a bottle at a fan after his side's goalless draw with Hanover last weekend, the German football federation (DFB) said on Thursday.The sanction means that the season is over for Guerrero, who had just returned from a serious knee injury, and he may not play in the Bundesliga again with his contract set to expire at the end of May.The Peruvian reacted angrily after being verbally abused at the entrance to the tunnel as he left the field.He threw a plastic bottle at a fan, striking him in the face, and has already been punished by his club with a substantial fine.The 26-year-old has been ordered to pay 20,000 euros by the DFB.

paragraf ative dan passive

In the beginning live in group,with each member doing a job that served the whole A group could morerasily itself againts wild anial than one person alone.Because the population was so small,group could wander the land and rarely meet each other.When the group became bigger and bigger they split into smaller unit called families.The first village settlements date back to 4750 BC.People lived in houses taht had several rooms By 3000 BC.they were beggining to separete into small and then larger families.


Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif
Kata kerja transitif mempunyai dua voice (ragam gramatikal), aktif dan pasif.
1) Bentuk aktif adalah orang, binatang, atau benda yang ditunjukkan oleh subjek dikatakan
melakukan sesuatu pada yang lain.
Contoh: Karim killed a tiger. Karim membunuh seekor harimau
2) Bentuk pasif adalah orang, binatang atau benda dikatakan menderita sesuatu dari sesuatu yang lain.
Contoh: A tiger was killed by Karim. Seekor harimau dibunuh oleh Karim
Bentuk pasif :
To Be + Past Participle
Aturan-aturan :
a) Kata kerja transitif tidak digunakan dalam bentuk pasif, kecuali kalau kata kerja itu menggunakan cognate object dalam bentuk aktif.
Aktif : She sang a fine song. Ia menyanyikan sebuah nyanyian yang merdu
Pasif : A fine song was sung by her. Sebuah nyanyian yang merdu dinyanyikan olehnya
b) Bilamana kalimat diubah dari bentuk aktif ke pasif, objek untuk kata kerja aktif menjadi subjek untuk kalimat kerja pasif.
objek untuk kata kerja aktif :
Aktif: Linda can make tarts. Linda dapat membuat kue tart
Subjek untuk kata kerja pasif :
Pasif: Tarts can be made by Linda
c) Retained object (objek yang tetap dipakai/dipertahankan dalam pasif)
Dua buah objek dalam kalimat aktif, ketika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, masih tetap ada sebuah objek dipertahankan, objek ini dinamakan retained object. Objek ini mungkin objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif atau objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif.
Objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize A prize was given him by us
Objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize He was given a prize by us