Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

My autobiography

MY autobiography
Wike widiyanti


 My name Wike Widiyanti, Wike my nickname. I am the first child of three siblings, and I am a daughter. I am currently living in Jakarta. I was born in Cirebon on 19 February 1992.Once I stepped on the age of forty days, from Cirebon my parents decided to stay in the capital city of Jakarta. It was decided on the grounds of my father's work, and for two years my family lived on the ground.In 1998, I began to enter elementary school. When I go to school at SDN 17 Pagi, for two years I learned that in school. Treading class III SD, I also gained back the family decided to stay elsewhere.After that I went kejenjang higher education in the SMP 149 Jakarta, for three years I went to school the place of the use of public transport. At that time I was feeling tired and heavy in pursuit of knowledge, but at the same instant I realized how good life God has given me, that is Allah., To me. Because I know out there are still many children who even do not feel dasarpun school, let alone continue higher kejenjang like me.Academic year 2006/2007 I graduated from junior high school and continued again at SMAN 53 Jakarta. This is where I started to build the ideals, dreams and my future hopes.Ideals started from a dreamWhen I was sitting in class X, I got an actual question I often hear and often I replied, but never thought about it any further. The question is simple, but still it makes me think 1000 times longer to answer, the question is: the ideals you want to be? ...I remember, that question has actually been ejected since I was a kid and then I was able to answer it anyway. The difference with now, I answer that question with a conviction on the basis of my own thoughts.In the past, my original answer. Today I want to be a doctor in charge, tomorrow I want to be a teacher in charge, the day after my answer into a fashion stylist, the next day I again want to be responsible for the architecture, so onwards.After that, I became more careful in defining ideals are also looking for my identity. Alhamdulillah, I also now find it.I want to be a novelist.Why? This is actually related to my hobby of reading and reading that I was interested in the novel, various types of novels I'd read, but I am more interested in the theme of sacrifice is novel and friendship. Not only that. I am also fond of fantasizing, barmain in 'dream' and I think, than my own fun playing fantasy world, I'd better share it with others keasyikkan. That is through stories that I later wrote in his novel. Amen.Coming to the increase in class, before I have to decide my major where I choose. Science, social studies or English? Finally I entered the IPS.I am currently studying at university Gunadarma Kalimalang-Bekasi, I majored manajemen.Tahun I will face trial graduate, I hope to pass it smoothly and hopefully pass this in 2014,